Il y a tout juste cent ans, en avril 1915, le génocide arménien en Turquie commençait. Pensée pleine de douleur mais...
Posted by Les Maîtres de l'orage on vendredi 17 avril 2015
Just a hundred years ago, in April 1915, the Armenian genocide in Turkey was starting. I'm thinking with much pain but also with anger of all the sacrificed people who have been decimated by a pogrom. Alas, the horror of persecuted, disowned and displaced peoples continues today. As my friend the Kurdish-French writer, Fawaz Hussain, said: "Aragon was right: suffering is suffering wherever it happens and it always runs deep, very deep..."
Civils arméniens escortés par des soldats turcs vers un camp en avril 1915. // Armenian civilians escorted by Turkish soldiers to a camp in April 1915. |
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